Yes, the story is finally here! Excuse me for the super late post but then again this weekend was my birthday weekend so I should be excused! :p
So anyways, I talked to Adelia the other day and she is one of the sweetest and fun 90 years old lady I talked to during this project!! It didn’t even feel like an interview, it was more like a conversation. I seriously can say that I LOVE her!!! I would definitely go visit her again even after this project ends.
Right before I started talking to her, one of the nurse told me that Adelia was flirting with the doctor, so I asked here wether it was true or not, then she said ‘yeah I just told him that he was very handsome, I always do. But then again if he says anything back to me, I would run for my life! I’m all talk to action one.’ Ahaha, don’t you think she’s so adorable?
Ok so this time around I actually recorded the conversation so I should just probably take straight from there. I wouldn’t write everything but I will just take the most interesting part (in my opinion).
R: How did you meet your husband?
A: We worked at the same place. Well we both worked at a place called the Australian Paper Mills, in Heidelberg road, in Heidelberg. And we used to go dancing, a lot of dances. A lot of parking. You know about that?
R: Parking? What do you mean parking?
A: (makes kissing noise) Mwah! Mwah!
R: (bursts out laughing) Ohhhhh!!! Haha! Very naughty aren’t you!
A: Oh no I wasn’t naughty! I was good. But I still went mwa mwa!
R: So, tell me more about… the parking story!
A: No! You’re too young!
R: What?! I am twenty-two this year!
A: Now don’t tell me you haven’t been kissy kissy mwah mwah somewhere!? Haven’t you!
R: (giggles) I have! But I want to hear about your…
A: No! No no. It’s no different.
R: …story about parking…
A: Well that’s all, we used to just cuddle up and kiss.
R: What do you mean, what do you mean parking? Like… in a parking lot? Or… OH! in a PARK!?
A: No no no parking meant anywhere. Could be on the corner you could be parking! Parking was just… making out.
I had so much fun talking about PARKING! When she said it first I really had no idea what it was. But yeah, back then and now, I guess not much difference huh. When I asked about what they used to do for fun, she said, dancing, watching movie (or “going to picture” as how they say it back then) and making out (or “parking”). It’s exactly the same as what we do now don’t you think? But I thought it was very interesting to hear it from them because the way they tell the story is very different but yet what they did and we are doing now is exactly the same! Sometimes I think that I should have talked to my grandmothers a lot more when I had chance coz I’m sure there would be so many interesting story they could have told me. So a piece of advice I would give you all is that if your grand-parents are still around, take some time and have a conversation with them. You might be surprise what they have to say and it would also make them very very happy.
Oh one more thing, Adelia said something about fathers, I think it’s a great advice for all daughters out there with an overprotective fathers.
“If your father is strict with you, don’t blame him for it. It’s a man’s love and protection for a daughter. They just can’t help it! You know, as I say you would be his princess. Girls are very special to their father. So, if he’s strict with you - take it as something good. His love and affection for you… he wants to look after you so don’t ever blame him ‘cause it’s a natural thing for a father, to be like that with a daughter.”
Rika. xo